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Monday, 28 November 2005


Well, the person I had so hoped would direct has expressed interest. The match is near perfect for many reasons. Now we can start finalising the script and then the fun (not!) task of doing breakdowns, budgets and scheduling.

Tuesday, 22 November 2005


How do people write in these things every day? I am doing to much to spend time writing a bloody blog!

This week is one of those horrible weeks where paying work takes over and the real stuff has to sit to one side.

I want to be getting on doing breakdowns of WSA so I can start scheduling. Also going around and taking some pics of the locations to make it a bit more real and get people excited.

But oh no...the almighty dollar/euro/pound has to come first. But that's ok I guess. It is important to keep one's goals in mind and work towards them. An airplane is offcourse 95% of the time - but it is constantly making little corrections. The same for me.

Wednesday, 16 November 2005


This is my first feature production. I have the script out to a few people - one director who I would kill to get, one exec. producer (read: $) source.

If the exec doesn't come through, but the director does, then I have other $ sources.

It is a daunting task ahead. I am probably nuts to try this.

But I am.

Tuesday, 15 November 2005


I am in Vienna this week. I have been in Vienna before. Marcie and I came here to visit our good friend Steven Henson a few years back around Christmastime. Now it is almost Christmas again (!) and here I am.

This time I am here to help out a certain large bookmaker do their thing.

Vienna is a cool place (see my [url= new=true]wiki[/url] on some of the things here). It has a good vibe - a lot like Amsterdam in a way (sadly without the coffeeshops). There is such history here. The collection of peoples (mostly from the Balkan area) over the last 200 years has made it unique. It is NOT like Germany!

It is a joy to get away from Spain. To have vegetarian restaurants! Culture! It's like another planet.

Monday, 14 November 2005

Starting out

This is the next short film. The script is done (of course with revisions once the actors are on board). I have cast 2 people, and need two more.

This one will be more of a production, with schedules and everything!


We finished 'PLL PKM' It was a learning experience for all of us involved - both behind the camera and in front.

The two Anna's had never acted before, and I think they did an amazing job.

I had never really shot something like this before. You have a million and one things to think about on a shoot, and when you don't have a Production or Script Supervisor it is bloody hard to remember them all!

Of course there are things I would do differently, but the goal of 'PLL PKM' was to finish it and learn along the way.

Thanks guys for all your help - especially Simon O.

Tuesday, 8 November 2005

Not another one!

Yes, another attempt at a blog. Of course, the problem in the past has been my boredom with the process, not neccessarily the software or the system. But, I'm willing to give it another shot.

What do you think?