Initially the move was to be just around the corner really. We'd found a brand new house with reasonable rent. It was a little bit bigger than our old house and had a slightly different configuration. So, immediately after getting off the plane we went to Ikea to buy a couple of new couches. Then it was home and starting to move boxes.
For the next couple of days it was box moving a plenty. We were moving all the 'small' stuff and getting movers in to do the furniture.
But, the day before the move I had a conversation with Tony, my neighbour to be. It went something like this:
Tony: "Wanted to ask you something. You don't have dogs do you?"
Me: "Um, yes."
Tony: "Because this community voted not to allow pet owners."
Me: "Um"
Now, I happen to know, from previous experience that in the great zone that is Europe this kind of thing is illegal. Pets can not be a cause to deny someone the right to live somewhere. This is one of the many things that makes Europe so much better than shit holes like America. So, whereas I knew I was in the clear legally (and the owner of the house did too) the fact is you don't want to live next to assholes like that, do you?
So, I freaked out. This it the day before the movers are coming and almost all of our stuff is in the new house. But, our agent was amazing. Within an hour she showed us a MUCH MUCH nicer house and we had agreed to take it! How cool is that?
So, in the morning the movers came and we moved to a completely different house.
Unfortunately that means that I basically had to move twice as I now had to move all the boxes that I had moved into the 'new' house into the 'newer' house (which is technically older). Oh, and cancel the new furniture from Ikea as we no longer needed it.
Two days after my run in with Tony, this sign appeared on the community we didn't move into:
It was down the next day.
Anyway, this is our new house:
There are cons - for instance we had to get a new phone number, we couldn't take our old one with us. Small price to pay!