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Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Action Required - Spanish Dog Shelter in Risk


Having occupied the perrera for more than 10yrs, by formal agreement with
the Ayuntamiento, we have now been informed (by them) that we are there
illegally and that the order has been given for the dogs to be removed and
taken to Refugio (the place where all the strays are taken when rounded up
by the authorities)!

We will resist this with every strategy available to us, including
blockading the road if necessary. In addition, we will notify all the media
and press at the first sign of anyone trying to touch our dogs. We have 121
dogs in the perrera at the moment.

I am now appealing for volunteers to help us keep watch on the perrera each
day between 4.30pm and 8.30pm, which is when the staff are no longer there.
Volunteers would be required to notify us immediately if anyone arrives to
take out the dogs. They would not be expected to do anything else - no
confrontation etc. - but we need to be capable of mobilizing as many of our
volunteers & members as quickly as possible in order to stage a
demonstration and involve the media.

If you are willing to be involved in any capacity, either as a "watcher" or
as a demonstrator, please reply with your contact telephone number and
indication of availability.

Thank you,

Janet Greenstreet

952 887 533
680 927 542