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Saturday, 1 April 2006

Introducing....The PRICK Principle

I'm working on this theory - a theory about living life. I call it PRICK. Of course it's an acronym.
It came about as I sat around thinking about what guides my life. If I had to distill it down into a Self-Help Marketing Campaign, what would it be. And I came up with PRICK.

P - Profundity.
See below the surface of things. Look at the depth of life
R - Responsibiity.
Own your actions. Accept the consequences of them.
I - Integrity.
Be known as someone who has principles - and sticks to them.
C - Conscience and Compassion.
Treat others as you would be treated - animals too. See others' suffering, and try to relieve it.
K - Knowledge.
Never make a judgement through ignorance. Learn all you can about those things that matter in your life - and some that don't

Over the next little while you'll see things on here expanding on these principles.

You too can be a PRICK.

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