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Saturday, 6 May 2006

Reiki moments

My wife is heavily into Reiki. She is a Reiki master and practitioner, with a pretty good practice down here in Southern Spain.
So, when we were in Japan it seemed natural, and important, to visit a couple of Reiki sites. One day in Tokyo we went out to the Buddhist cemetery where the man who started Reiki, Usui, is buried. It was a very powerful experience, even for me as someone who knows very little about Reiki. His monument is an impressive obelisk, reminiscent of 2001, A Space Odyssey!
A collection of photos can be found here.

A few days later we popped down to Kyoto (thank you Shinkansen!) and climbed Mount Kurama. Kurama is where Usui had his enlightenment. The mountain, not found in any tour books, is pretty incredible. It is still a Buddhist center, and the entire thing is covered with Temples and Shrines.
Photos from that day are here.

Coincidentally, there was a massive exhibit going on in Tokyo at the National Musuem on relics of Tendai Buddhism, which is the branch that Usui followed. Seeing 800 year old items that belonged to the men who first spread Tendai Buddhism throughout Japan (centered on Mount Hiei) was a once in a lifetime experience and I think it was fated that we were able to see it. What made the day even more special was the (unexpected) generosity of complete strangers – two separate Japanese ladies gave both Marcie and myself tickets to get in to the special exhibit. Completely out of the blue. Quite wonderful.

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