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Tuesday, 27 November 2007

re: america

Interesting post from the Japan Times (In case you think I am making it up:

Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007

Sticky details about America


I was inspired by Roger Pulvers' Nov. 18 Counterpoint article, "How well do you really know Japan?" So I put together my own test on America. Many non-Japanese are up on Japan, but how well do Americans know their own land? Try this quiz:

(1) How many countries did America bomb after World War II, and can you name them?

(2) How many of the people that America has slaughtered or maimed have been women and children?

(3) How many tons of the poisonous chemical dioxin did America drop on the people of Vietnam?

(4) Two centuries ago, when adverse conditions on long sea voyages called for lighter loads, how many Africans were marched overboard, chained and weighed down to drown while on their way to new agricultural careers in America?

(5) What fraction of the Native American population survived America's expansion westward?

(6) What single country killed the greatest number of human beings in the history of civilization?

The answers? Search me . . . I'm an American.

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