I don't like to be the person that complains all the time, but, it seems that things are happening that have to be commented on in public.
Back in May FilmAmora.com purchased a half page ad in a new magazine called 'The Lifetimes Magazine'. They have an embarrassment of a website that I won't bother to link to.
The contract clearly states that we are buying space in the July issue. Well...it's almost September and no magazine has come out. So, a few weeks ago I started enquiring and the person in charge of the magazine - Donald Beskine, who also runs the Marbella Business Centre - referred me to David Townsend of something called Global Media, the company that would be handling the advertising now. I had several lengthy conversations with David where it was agreed that as the Lifetimes Magazine would not be happening any time soon that my money should be refunded.
So, I turned to Donald Beskine for the refund. On average I phone Donald five times a day. This week alone I have left 15 messages. He will not return my call. He did, however, send me this email:
"I have now had a chance to review the file for your advert.
I do not understand the basis for your demand for a refund.
There is no basis so far as I can see for a refund and we are confident we will be providing you a good advertising service." -- Donald Beskine
Well, Don, the basis is that THERE IS NO MAGAZINE! Donald refuses to give me a publish date. Or even let me know if the magazine is in pre-production.
Now, of course, getting ahold of David Townsend at Global Media also becomes impossible. A further 6 messages this week alone to him.
All in all I have phoned the two of them over 40 times. I am starting to feel like a stalker! But I have to ask - what kind of company doesn't return calls, from PAYING CUSTOMERS, after 40 attempts?
All I want is to know what's going on! Is there a magazine coming out? If so...when?
So - if you are thinking of doing business with Donald Beskine, Lifetimes Magazine, David Townsend or Global Media (all down here in the Marbella area) then I would offer you this cautionary tale.
I have emails, phone bills, contracts and so on to back all this up by the way.
So, dear reader, if you have some time and want some fun, why not phone Donald at 952 850 052 and see if you can get through! The first one who gets Donald to call me gets a free month's subscription at