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Sunday, 25 May 2008

Writing - Does Everyone has at least one (good) book in them?

So, earlier this year, after suffering a serious case of burn-out, I decided to take a bit of a change of direction and cross a few things off the old bucket list.
One very big entry was 'Write'. Of course I have been writing seriously for the past 6 or 7 years now, concentrating a lot on screenplays. But, I had a book idea that I first came up with 25 years ago. (How is that for depressing??!). I'd written a short story version and a screenplay version, but I felt that what the story really needed - or should I say that I felt what I really needed to do with the story - was a novel.
So I started out on it.

You might think it is crazy. But there is the adage that "Everyone has at least one good book in them" (And if and when it comes out I hope I don't get a review like this one!)

So I started in on it.

I have the prologue up on it's own blog that might contain hilights from the book. We'll see.

More sobering links!
Everyone does not have a novel inside them
You’re an Author? Me Too!
So you think you can write?

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