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Monday 28 May 2007

hit the road, jack... er, Phil

Yes, it's time for more travelling!
Later this week I am off to Milan. It's my good friends Dave and Linda's wedding anniversary, plus, Tori Amos is playing.
After that it is over to LA for some meetings for a week.
Then up to London for Canada Day festivities on July 1st, and what the heck, another Tori Amos concert!

Tuesday 22 May 2007

It had to go!

Well, it took me years, but, I finally got rid of the hair. Not all of it mind you - not like that night in 1991 - but a significant chunk.
I am donating the hair to Locks of Love which provides hair for sufferers of cancer.

Saturday 19 May 2007

Back up...

Well, THAT was painful.
A hacker took out my brother's hosting computer, and because of all the hassle he just thought his life would be better if he stopped running his hosting business. Way to go hacker!
Anyway, I am now back up with a new site ( and this new blog.
I am going to TRY to migrate across the old blog. Not that anyone cares, but it would be nice to have that stuff.