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Thursday 10 January 2008

Whoops.... a MONTH?

Crikey! It's been more than a month since I posted. Funny how life can whiz by like that.
Christmas and New Year's has come and gone. My best friend Dave Waldner and his wife Linda Gahagan were down for that. It was great to spend time with them. We did some driving around (to places like Malaga and Ronda) but for the most part we just hung out (apart from Xmas dinner over at Anna and Tilly's). We had an awesome New Year's Eve in Malaga, hanging out in the centre and drinking Champagne. What more can you ask for?!

Life has been pretty crazy - I have this contract to do a website for a Russian gambling company, but at the same time I am developing FilmAmora and of course doing all the business side of that. And CostaFilma. With our first screenplay optioned we are into the development side of that.

The other news is that we are producing a TV show that will be shown on Sky. Once that is finalised later this month I will post details.

More to follow....