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Thursday, 12 January 2006

Location hunting

With Dave and his wife Linda down here this weekend it seems a perfect excuse to go location hunting.

Pictures of potential locations always get people excited about a project. It lets them project themselves into the film.

With the slip shod PLL PKM we did no such thing. A) we never thought about it in advance b) the girls were motivated enough as it was!

WSA is a different beast. We have Chris coming over from the states and Magda from the UK for a start. It would be great to get them in the mood of the piece before they get here.

Magda has it easy, all she has to play is the perfect vision of inner beauty. Chris gets to sweat a lot and be a frustrated wally. I still need to find an older man to play a mystic. I need to get my finger out on that.

The latest on shooting is the week after Cannes.

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