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Sunday, 1 January 2006

Happy New Year

I think I am the 23,001,356 person to write that in their blog in the last 24hours. Sad.

It was a traditional New Year's in my house - had our neighbours over and watched Jools' Hootenany. You didn't miss anything.

I never make New Year's resolutions. They seem doomed to failure, and as I am paranoid that my life is doomed to failure anyway I don't see any point in adding fuel to the fire.

Instead of writing this I should be finishing up the first draft of MBLL. I am 30% through it. I could finish it today, but instead I will:

* Clean up the backyard

* Do the dishes

* Walk the dogs

* Make the bed

* Look on Amazon for the best films of 2005 - both editors and customers choices

* Which Chinese news on tv (fascinating story about traditional Haanen clothing being shown in Shanghai province!)

i.e. the usual procrastination techniques.

But I did see an actress that would be great for the main female character in MBLL, so that has kind of inspired me.

Last week, during the nightmare return from Vienna, the idea struck me to do a documentary on dogs in spain. I have had the thought before. The problem is I know nothing about how to make a documentary. It's not point and shoot. That is the 'easy' part. It is how to make it compelling. The story. A good documentary has many similar facets of a good drama, so I should understand it. Maybe I just need to start and get on with it.

A new category on here might arise if I decide to go further.

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