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Monday, 19 June 2006

Big night out

Well, most of the cast and crew of the Inquisition got together on Saturday night for a meal and some drinks. I had just finished the editing of the thing, so it seemed like a good time to do it.
I figured out that I probably spent 1 day editing for every 5 minutes of finished product. Thank god the thing is only 25 minutes long!
Martin had this sweet, if silly, idea of handing out little plaques to everyone. (See what he does for his own films!) I scraped past the stiff competition to get the 'best director' award. One of my reasons I don't like things like this is that it I don't really believe in rewarding effort. I prefer to reward results. And since no one had seen the film I don't see how any comments can be made. But anyway.
Here's Marcie and I at the restaurant:
[img=images/Phil_Marcie_sm.JPG popup=false]

We had the dinner at the restaurant that we shot some WSA scenes in. Miguel (the owner), his wife and daughter were wonderful as ever. Of course it is a Spanish restaurant, so the vegetarian options were nil (I thought that maybe the effort could have been made to at least get the salad without tuna, but oh well). But everyone else seemed to enjoy the food while I ate tortilla #872 of the year.

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