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Tuesday, 13 June 2006

One of those days

It didn't start well. One dog (Ari) was up all night scratching and licking. He is well overdue for a haircut, plus his ear is all bad again. So no one got much sleep. Then he barfs everywhere.
The other terrier, Rocky, also barfs.
Peaches leishmaniosis is acting up causing her kidneys to not be so good - so she pees on the floor.
On my way into Gibraltar I have my first every accident on my scooter. I go sliding down Avenida Maria Guerrero(see map here! ). I thought I was fine (I got up and drove away) but now my wrist is killing me. Luckily, I was, as always, wearing long trousers a jacket and riding gloves. But still...ouch! Must have sprained or torn something.

Of course there were good things too!
I found out the one of my scripts has made it to the semi-finals of a competition. That is great news.

So there you have it!

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